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Home SEAMEGA Modular Seawater Desalination Systems
A modular mobile Seamega sea water desalination system consisting of a shipping containing housing a cyan metal frame supporting a small motor, water tank, electrical panels, and various horizontally positioned filtration pipe units, overhead lighting and additional electrical panels accompany the unit

Desalination System

The modular, packaged Newterra SeaMega Desalination System offers seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) from brackish water or seawater, including potable water, boiler feedwater, irrigation and plant process water. With our pre-engineered systems, you receive fast delivery and installation to get up and running quickly while optimizing operating costs.

A modular mobile Seamega sea water desalination system consisting of a shipping containing housing a cyan metal frame supporting a small motor, water tank, electrical panels, and various horizontally positioned filtration pipe units, overhead lighting and additional electrical panels accompany the unit

Product Overview

For applications with challenging feedwater, Newterra provides a variety of pre-filtration options. The SeaMega series includes SeaMega/C, our containerized modular solution; SeaMega/S, our skidded solution; and SeaMega/F, our customized modular facilities for larger applications.

Technical Specifications

SeaMega Containerized Facilities

*Based on feedwater TDS 36,000 ppm and feed temperature of 25°C

SeaMega Skid Mounted Packages

*Based on feedwater TDS 36,000 ppm and feed temperature of 25°C

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Custom Reverse Osmosis Systems

Custom Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems provide effective, continuous dissolved solids recovery of up to +80% in a modular and scalable design. These tailored systems can accommodate a wide range of feed water qualities with a single or double pass and differing stage configurations and arrays. You’ll receive a consistent permeate quality for your specific application.

Learn More about Custom Reverse Osmosis Systems

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