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Home Aire-O2® Microfloat Dispersed Air Flotation (DAF) System
Innermost view of a Newterra microfloat dispersed air flotation DAF system where a central round tank is filled with water aerated to the point of being a milky white foam texture by an aerator mounted with metal brackets in the middle of the image with the tank structure supported by metal reinforcing structures, the view is underneath a blue support structure with stairs and various vertical metal pieces can be seen in the background

Aire-O2® Microfloat Dispersed Air Flotation (DAF) System

Since 1982, Newterra has been installing its superior Dispersed Air Flotation technology around the globe. Ideal for industrial applications, our Aire-02® Microfloat System is an effective, affordable, and reliable physical/chemical pre-treatment technology for removing up to 90% free-floating FOG, 60% TSS, and 30% BOD* – all at a much lower cost than traditional Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) systems.

Innermost view of a Newterra microfloat dispersed air flotation DAF system where a central round tank is filled with water aerated to the point of being a milky white foam texture by an aerator mounted with metal brackets in the middle of the image with the tank structure supported by metal reinforcing structures, the view is underneath a blue support structure with stairs and various vertical metal pieces can be seen in the background

Product Overview

An elegant design that eliminates non-value added equipment like compressors, pumps, and recirculation equipment compared to traditional DAF solutions, the Microfloat System simply disperses the air using a high RPM, 2900 RPM 50Hz and 3600 RPM 60Hz, aspirator directly into the DAF tank. The DAF has a specially designed non-clog spinning disc diff user that creates fine microbubbles (10-50 microns in diameter), allowing for high removal efficiencies. The complete Microfloat DAF system uses only two motors; the Microfloat aerator motor and the scum/rake drive. The Microfloat DAF system does not require an external recycle line.


  • A specially designed non-clog spinning disc diffuser creates fine microbubbles (10-50 microns in diameter)
  • Eliminates recycle pumps, compressors, and attendant piping associated with traditional DAF equipment
  • Small bubbles result in high removal efficiencies
  • New complete custom designs (with skimmers and tankage) or retrofits into existing tankage


  • Reduced install / capex costs
  • Reduces surcharges by municipalities for disposal
  • Reduces maintenance and energy consumption 
  • More reliable under a variety of conditions, the AIRE-O2 solution requires no balancing of flow rates
  • Backed by the AIRE-O2 legacy for reliability and ease of use


  • Food preparation
  • Vegetable oil processing
  • Slaughterhouse operations
  • Milk and dairy processing
  • Petrochemical processing
  • Paper industry
  • Sludge thickening for municipalities
  • Tank and truck washing facilities
  • Microfloat DAF (Dispersed Air Flotation System)

Ideal for industrial applications, our  Microfloat Dispersed Air Flotation (DAF) System is an effective, affordable, and reliable physical/chemical pre-treatment technology for removing up to 90% free-floating FOG, 60% TSS, and 30% BOD*– all at a much lower cost than traditional DAF systems. The Microfloat DAF simply disperses the air using a high RPM, 2900RPM 50Hz, and 3600RPM 60Hz, aspirator directly into the tank. The DAF has a specially designed non-clog spinning disc diffuser that creates fine microbubbles (10-50 microns in diameter), allowing for high removal efficiencies. The complete Microfloat DAF system uses only two motors; the Microfloat aerator motor and the scum/rake drive. The Microfloat DAF system does not require an external recycle line.

Product Highlights

  • Reduces surcharges by municipalities for disposal
  • Reduces maintenance and energy consumption
  • Requires no balancing of flow rates
  • Eliminates recycle pumps, compressors, and attendant piping associated with traditional DAF equipment
  • New complete custom designs (with skimmers and tankage) or retrofits into existing tankage


  • A specially designed non-clog spinning disc diffuser creates fine microbubbles (10-50 microns in diameter)
  • Small bubbles result in high removal efficiencies

Ideal for the following Applications

  • Food preparation
  • Vegetable oil processing
  • Slaughterhouse operations
  • Milk and dairy processing
  • Petrochemical processing
  • Paper industry
  • Sludge thickening for municipalities
  • Tank and truck washing facilities
  • Interested in learning more? Download the Product Sheet.
  • *Pending site specifics, jar testing, and chemical dosing recommended/required and provided by others.

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