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Home Ion Exchange Resins

Ion Exchange (IX) Resins

Using Ion Exchange Resins to perform the transfer of ions, the ion exchange process is an exchange of one ion for another. Consequently, various Newterra technologies use IX resins to remove inorganic dissolved solid impurities from feed water to steam-generating boilers or other process equipment to prevent scaling and oxidation damage. These IX resins can automatically regenerate based on manual, time, metered flow or conductivity.

Ion exchange resin pieces

Product Overview

Ion Exchange Resins

  • Various technologies use Ion Exchange Resins (IX) to remove inorganic dissolved solid impurities from feed water, process equipment and steam-generating boilers to prevent scaling and oxidation damage.

Technical Specifications

Anion Resin

AEKType 2 strong base gel-type anion resin in the hydroxide form used in demineralization systems
AENType 1 strong base macroporous-type anion resin in the chloride form. Well suited for condensate polishing due to resistance to high temperatures.
AERWeak base macroporous anion resin is primarily used in multi-bed demineralization systems due to its excellent regeneration efficiency
AEWType 1 strong base gel-type anion resin in the chloride form. Higher stability than AEK resin but poorer regeneration efficiency and capacity
AEVSame as AEW above but with higher porosity. This results in higher capacity and efficiency – though not as high as AEK resin
AEXChloride form strong base anion gel-type resin used for perchlorate, nitrate and PFAS removal

Cation Resin (sodium form)

CXASodium forms 8% cross-linked gel-type strong acid cation resin. Used in softening. Has excellent regeneration efficiency
CXDSame as CXA, except this resin has 10% cross-linking, resulting in higher stability and durability with a lower regeneration efficiency and capacity.
CRVSodium forms macroporous highly cross-linked strong acid cation resin. Used for high-temperature softening and demineralization applications due to its high durability and temperature resistance.
CXXSodium form chelating weak acid cation macroporous-type resin used for heavy metal removal

Cation Resin (hydrogen form)

CXBSame as CXA, except that the resin comes in the hydrogen form and is suited for demineralization.
CXESame as CXD, except that the resin comes in the hydrogen form and is suited for demineralization.
CXFHydrogen from weak acid macroporous cation resin. Due to its weak acid functionality, this is used in dealkalizer applications, metal removal or in multi-bed demineralizers for improved regeneration efficiency. These types of resin have very high exchange capacity as well as very high regeneration efficiency.
CXYHydrogen form chelating weak acid cation macroporous-type resin used for mercury removal as well as other noble metal removals

Mixed Bed Resin

MBDA blend of CXB and AEV resins is used in mixed bed applications. This blend is considered semi-conductor grade, made with additional processing and rinsing steps to reduce leachable TOC and ensure its ability to produce 18-megohm resistivity water.
MBCThe same as MBD; however, the processing is not as rigorous as for MBD, so this resin blend is considered nuclear grade and is tested to ensure its ability to produce 15-megohm resistivity water. 

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