FilterX Condensate Polisher
Newterra FilterX Condensate Polisher is a co-current style ion exchange softener typically used for high-temperature applications.
Learn More about FilterX Condensate PolisherElectrodeionization (EDI) Ultra Pure Water Systems offer a continuous electrically driven membrane and resin ion separation technology to reach the strict specifications and ultimate conductivity of <15 MOhm for the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries. EDI Systems offer a highly effective alternative to mixed bed demineralization to polish water to extremely low levels of dissolved solids.
EDI systems do not require the periodic regeneration and downtime of resin-based treatment approaches and thus can operate continuously. This reduces maintenance and eliminates the need for regeneration chemicals and waste neutralization. Dissolved solids (cations and anions) are contaminants in some industrial processes. They cause scaling and fouling in boiler tubes, inhibiting heat transfer and system efficiency.
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An EDI Water Treatment System is a continuous electrically driven membrane and resin ion separation technology. RO product water from the Industrial RO Unit enters the EDI Module through an inlet valve and enters a stack of cells with cation and anion membranes separated by spacers. On opposite ends of the stack are a cathode and anode – each providing an electrical potential to drive the cations and anions through the respective one-way membranes to a waste channel. The product and waste channels contain a thin layer of mixed bed resin to provide a conductive path to facilitate the process. The result is a highly efficient system that removes all dissolved solids very close to hydrogen’s neutral potential (pH). The purified water is then piped out of the stack. For higher flow rate capabilities, multiple stacks can be plumbed together.
Ultrapure water is water that has been purified to very strict specifications, containing only negligible or trace quantities of ionic or organic contaminants. Ultrapure water conductivity is about 0,055 uS/cm at 25oC, also expressed as the resistivity of 18,2 MOhm.
Newterra FilterX Condensate Polisher is a co-current style ion exchange softener typically used for high-temperature applications.
Learn More about FilterX Condensate PolisherVarious technologies use Ion Exchange Resins (IX) to remove inorganic dissolved solid impurities from feed water, process equipment and steam-generating boilers to prevent scaling and oxidation damage.
Learn More about Ion Exchange ResinsNewterra Ion Exchange Vessels for the removal of inorganic dissolved solids.
Learn More about Ion Exchange VesselsNewterra’s CIRO™ (Configurable Industrial Reverse Osmosis) Systems provide effective, continuous dissolved solids recovery up to 80%+ in a modular small footprint design.
Learn More about Newterra’s CIRO™ – Configurable Industrial Reverse OsmosisThe modular, packaged Newterra SeaMega Desalination System offers seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) from brackish water or seawater, including potable water, boiler feedwater, irrigation and plant process water.
Learn More about SEAMEGA Modular Seawater Desalination SystemsNewterra Water Softeners is a co-current, industrial-grade ion exchange softener for moderate to low-temperature applications.
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