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Four Newterra surface aerators agitate an aquaculture bay for fish production

Water Treatment Solutions for Aquaculture

Slow growth and low yields don’t need to be a hurdle.  Newterra provides aquaculture farms, golf courses and recreational parks with reliable and low-maintenance Series II Aspirators to quickly raise dissolved oxygen (DO) for your water recirculation and healthy growing harvest.  Furthermore, these Aspirators eliminate odors, offer no dead zones and mixing capabilities and destratification for temperature equalization.

Aerial view of an aquaculture operation using Newterra aerator equipment consisting of twelve contained growing areas where the aerator agitate the water


Whether you are in operations, an aquaculture farmer or a supplier, growth, yields and production DO is vital to your harvest or population’s health. Our approach includes designated field service, a lifecycle parts department, and a wide range of flow rates and equipment.

Quality Technologies

Experts consider each unique aspect of your site and customize solutions to meet your goals. Whether you need are restoring habitats or harvesting fish, algae and other organism in all types of water environments, our sophisticated technologies will effectively address your challenge.

Simplified Maintenance And Operations

The efficiency of your system correlates to healthier aquatic animals, less morbidity, faster and uniform growth and higher production. These operator-friendly aerators provide ease of use. Each solution requires little ongoing maintenance, allowing you to save on time and costs.

Inclusive Service And Support

Newterra is here for you for every phase of water aeration, circulation and destratification. Our team provides everything from on-site services to a lifecycle parts department and operator training to ongoing support.

Proven Experience and Worldwide Installations

For 49 years, Newterra has worked globally with brackish, fresh and marine water environments to maintain healthier ponds, increase stocking densities and generate higher yield.  You’ll maintain optimal oxygen transfer levels and a consistent temperature throughout the entire system for your higher production goals.

Maintain Healthier Ponds

Increase mixing and dispersion through fine bubble aeration.  The Series II Aspirator offers low maintenance, ease of use, fewer parts, mixing and complete circulation.  Plus Newterra is a one-stop shop, we handle every step of the process in-house to ensure your long-term success. You’ll receive streamlined assembly and a knowledgeable team who can handle the most harsh environments.

 We’ve helped multiple sites produce profitable results with minimal maintenance, including:

  • Shrimp
  • Prawn
  • Tilapia
  • Catfish
  • Lobster
  • Trout
  • Salmon
  • Algae
  • Odor
  • Decorative

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Boost Aquaculture Growth and Yields

Newterra leads in aquaculture innovation, offering tools that enhance growth and productivity. Our solutions are designed to optimize the aquatic environment, ensuring high-quality yield and sustainable operations. Trust Newterra to enhance the vitality and productivity of your aquaculture endeavors, contributing to a sustainable and profitable future.
