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Seawater RO; Potable solution

The Moorings

Newterra flexes its technology chops; delivers a powerful desalination solution to a Caribbean client

A resort on a cliff overlooking the ocean with a sunset in the background

Newterra Helps Reduce Cost of Potable Water While Greatly Improving Reliability and Availability for Customers and Staff






45,000 GPD (170.34 m3/day)


A private charter company in need of reliable potable water

The Moorings, a global yacht charter company, operates marinas worldwide, offering new sail and powerboat rentals along with resort-style amenities for guests. As part of an expansion, they increased their harbor capacity by 25%, adding more slips to accommodate additional yacht charters. However, the high cost and inconsistent availability of municipal water posed a challenge. To ensure a reliable and higher-quality water supply, The Moorings opted to invest in and operate their own water treatment plant, providing greater efficiency and independence from city resources.


A Newterra seawater RO

To ensure a reliable, high-quality water supply, The Moorings installed a Seamega-45K Seawater Reverse Osmosis (RO) system, capable of producing 45,000 gallons of potable water per day.

A dedicated seawater intake was constructed within the harbor, drawing 78 gallons per minute of seawater to feed the system. Before reaching the RO membranes, the water passes through duplex multimedia filters, effectively removing suspended solids and sediment. To further protect the membranes and optimize performance, an anti-scalant injection is applied, significantly reducing the risk of fouling.

At the heart of the process, the RO system removes 99% of total dissolved solids (TDS), yielding 31 gallons per minute of fresh water with a purity of less than 300 parts per million (PPM). A final pH adjustment and chlorine dosing ensure the water meets stringent safety and quality standards. The treated potable water is then stored in a large underground cistern, ready for distribution throughout the marina, supporting both guests and operations with a consistent, self-sustained water supply.


Independence and reliability

The Moorings was able to eliminate a costly and unreliable municipal water supply and focus on providing its guests with world-class service, even after expanding its capacity by 25%.

We Are Here to Help

Partner with Newterra to maximize your water resources. Together, we’ll design solutions specific to your needs in the food and beverage industry, boosting your efficiency and driving success.
